I Remember You (2017) Ending Explained

I remember you (2017) ending explained

Last updated on October 3rd, 2024 at 10:55 pm

Have you ever watched a movie that left you with more questions than answers? I Remember You (2017) is one of those movies. This Icelandic supernatural thriller will keep you on your seat until its unexpected ending. While the movie follows a classic horror movie trope, the unexpected twist at the end will leave you bewildered and asking for more.

The movie I Remember You (2017) follows two parallel storylines that eventually converge into a terrifying and unpredictable conclusion. One storyline follows a psychiatrist and his wife as they rebuild their lives after a tragedy, while the other follows a group of friends investigating a decades-old mystery surrounding the disappearance of a young boy.

The movie’s tension builds to an explosive and unexpected climax, leaving viewers wondering what happened. This article will explore the movie’s ending and try to make sense of its twists and turns.

I Remember You (2017) Ending Explained

* * * Spoiler Alert – If you haven’t seen the movie yet, turn back now! * * *

The movie follows the intertwining storylines of a psychiatrist and his wife who move to a remote town in Iceland to rebuild their life after a tragedy and a group of friends investigating a decades-old mystery surrounding the disappearance of a young boy.

It explores themes of grief, loss, and redemption, and its ambiguous ending leaves viewers questioning what they just witnessed.

Recap of The Events that Lead to The Ending

I Remember You (2017) follows two parallel storylines that eventually converge into a terrifying and unpredictable conclusion. In one storyline, a psychiatrist named Freyr moves to a remote town in Iceland with his wife to rebuild their life after the loss of their son.

In the other storyline, a group of friends are investigating the decades-old mystery surrounding the disappearance of a young boy named Bernodus. As they uncover more information, they experience strange occurrences, including unexplained visions and ghostly encounters.

The group of friends discovers Bernodus was taken by Pétur, who had lived alone in the mountains for years. Pétur leads them to his cabin, where they discover Bernodus’s remains. Freyr’s visions become more intense, and he discovers that his own son is the ghostly figure he’s been seeing. Líf, one of the friends investigating Bernodus’s disappearance, sees a group of people holding a ritualistic ceremony.

Explanation of What Happens in The Final Scene

The final scene of I Remember You is one of the most haunting and enigmatic endings in recent horror movie history.

The scene opens with Freyr driving through the remote Icelandic landscape, still haunted by the memory of his son. Suddenly, he sees a figure in the distance and stops the car. As he approaches the figure, he realizes it’s Líf, one of the friends investigating Bernodus’s disappearance.

Líf leads Freyr to a cliff, where a group performs a ritualistic ceremony to bring back Katrin, Freyr’s wife. As the ceremony progresses, the ghostly figure of Freyr’s son appears, and Freyr realizes that the group is attempting to bring back his son from the dead. However, the reunion is short-lived, as the group suddenly turns on Freyr and his son, pushing them off the cliff to their deaths.

Analysis of The Significance of The Ending in The Context of The Story

The ending of I Remember You is open to interpretation, but one interpretation is that it represents Freyr’s inability to let go of his grief and move on from his son’s death. It also raises questions about the morality of bringing someone back from the dead and the potential consequences.

The ending also ties together the two storylines shockingly and unexpectedly. The group of friends investigating Bernodus’s disappearance had unknowingly become involved in the ceremonial ceremony, and their investigation had led them to Pétur, the man responsible for Bernodus’s death.

Possible Interpretations of The Ending Supernatural Interpretation

One possible explanation for the ending is that the boy’s ghost, including Freyr, seeks revenge on the townspeople who wronged him.

This interpretation suggests that the film is a cautionary tale about the dangers of neglecting and mistreating others. The townspeople have unwittingly unleashed a vengeful spirit upon themselves by failing to address the boy’s needs while he is alive.

Psychological Interpretation

Another possible explanation is that the ghost of the boy is a manifestation of Freyr’s guilt and grief over his son’s death. This interpretation suggests that the film mediates how unresolved emotional trauma can haunt us and affect our perceptions of reality.

Symbolic Interpretation

A third possible explanation is that the entire film is a metaphor for grieving and coming to terms with the loss. In this interpretation, the island and its inhabitants represent the stages of grief, while the supernatural elements represent how we try to make sense of loss and find closure.

The film uses symbolism to symbolize the harsh realities of life and death and the decay of relationships and memories.

The Theme of The Movie

I Remember You is a psychological thriller exploring grief, loss, and redemption themes. These themes are expressed through the characters and the plot and are intimately connected to the ending.

Grief is a central theme of the movie, with each character struggling with a profound sense of loss. Loss is expressed in various ways, and redemption is the third major theme. Each character seeks redemption for their past actions, whether guilt over a child’s death, responsibility for a failed relationship, or a deep-seated sense of remorse.

The characters’ search for redemption is tied to their grief and loss, and the story’s resolution hinges on their ability to find redemption.

How the Ending Relates to The Themes

The ending of I Remember You is intimately tied to the movie’s themes. The story’s resolution directly results from the characters’ struggles with grief, loss, and redemption. The ending is open to interpretation, but several ways exist to understand it in the context of the movie’s themes.

Common Questions And Confusion About The Ending

Here are some common questions and answers about the ending:

What happened to Freyr?

The movie did not answer this question clearly, leaving it up to interpretation. Some viewers believe he died and is now a ghost, while others think he survived and disappeared.

Why did Gardar kill himself?

Gardar’s suicide is linked to his guilt over his role in the disappearance and death of the children. He believes he is responsible for their deaths and can no longer live with the guilt.

What is the significance of the rocks in the final scene?

The rocks symbolize the children’s burial site, and their appearance at the movie’s end suggests that their spirits are finally at peace.

Why did Katrín see the ghost of her son?

Katrín’s visions of her son’s ghost manifest her grief and guilt over his death. The ghost represents her inability to release her pain and move on.

Was the old man the killer?

The identity of the killer is left open to interpretation. While the old man is a likely suspect, the movie suggests that there may be supernatural forces at work, and the killer may be a ghost or a vengeful spirit.

Final Words

I Remember You is a well-crafted, atmospheric horror movie exploring complex grief, loss, and redemption themes. The ending is intentionally ambiguous, leaving room for multiple interpretations and enhancing the movie’s impact.

While some viewers may find the lack of a clear resolution frustrating, the movie’s haunting atmosphere and emotional depth make it a must-see for fans of slow-burn horror. Overall, I Remember You is a highly recommended movie that will leave a lasting impression on viewers.


Original Title: Ég man þig

Other Titles: I Remember You, Oan Hồn

Genre: Supernatural/ Mystery

Runtime: 1hr 45min

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Original Language: Icelandic

Directed by Óskar Thór Axelsson

Written by Óskar Thór Axelsson, Ottó Geir Borg, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir

Release date: May 5, 2017 (Iceland)

Origin Country: Iceland